
Do you want to get active for climate justice? On this page you will find useful resources, such as action packs or activity guides in different languages. 


This workshop toolkit aims to put you and your experiences at the centre to help you create strategies to influence decision makers on these important issues and gain a better understanding of yourself. On top of this it gives activities for self-reflection, self development, and a ready-to-go workshop program, which you will find as an Annex to this Toolkit.

Transformative pathways

This publication analyses the goals of the Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement in order to propose specific targets for the Sustainable Development Goals that promote the construction of a more just society – from economic, environmental, and gendered perspectives.

How to create a succesful digital campaign

The modern digital media ecosystem is ripe for environmental activism. With some guidance and knowledge sharing, activists can start taking advantage of the scale of the digital landscape.

Digital success generates an everlasting change in the real world. This in-depth guide aims to equip eager activists with the necessary tools to start their digital journey and to provide young people with practical tools and digital communication strategies, which they will be able to apply to amplify their climate action and to conduct effective awareness-raising and advocacy actions through social media and other digital platforms.

Communicating climate justice with young adults in europe

This new report explores how young people across Europe understand and respond to climate justice messaging, alongside key insights and recommendations for how advocates can more effectively and powerfully communicate climate justice. It answers questions such as: What do young people across Europe think about climate justice, and what do they understand about reparations for loss and damage, and about systemic change and power? What do they feel about and how do they respond to messaging which focuses on these issues?

Climate Justice Toolkit

Youth from all backgrounds are mobilising to change the world for the better, and are finding new ways to negotiate their identities in these times of uncertainty and change. If you are also worried about the future because of the climate crisis – then this toolkit will teach you how to turn these feelings into positive action.

Climate Justice toolkit for youth

Climate justice frames climate change as an ethical, political and social issue, not merely an environmental problem that requires technical solutions: it permeates every layer of society and is reflected in the inequalities present in our world today. No matter what your background, your unique experiences are valuable in the fight for a better world. Everyone should engage in whatever way they can – this toolkit will help explain how to do so.

Guia para o ativismo

This Portuguese guide demonstrates a variety of activities you can carry out if you care about the issue of climate change, whatever level of activism you want to have.

Petit guide de l’Ecofemnisme

This little (French) practical guide to ecofeminism shows the possible impact of the theory around ecofeminism in reality and practice. Through ten themes, it offers you many concrete actions that you can take on your own scale to be an ecofeminist!

Activity Kit Climate Justice Needs Young Feminists

This toolkit aims to put you and your experiences at the centre to help you create strategies to influence decision makers and gain a better understanding of yourself. It is the second in a series, and gives you tips for engaging in activism around climate justice. This toolkit takes a different approach and gives activities for self reflection and strategizing for another important international conference, the Commission on the Status of Women.

Was ist klima­gerechtig­keit und warum ist sie wichtig?

Die Klimakrise betrifft uns alle, aber nicht gleichermaßen. Durch Hitzewellen, zerstörerisches Wetter, steigenden Meeresspiegel und historische Hungersnöte trifft die Klimakrise die Menschen am härtesten, die am wenigsten für das Problem verantwortlich sind und aufgrund von Unterdrückung und Diskriminierung am wenigsten Mittel haben, um sich vor den Auswirkungen zu schützen. Das ist nicht gerecht.

Die von der Klimakrise betroffenen Bevölkerungsgruppen brauchen Geld und Unterstützung. Zum Beispiel für den Wiederaufbau von Häusern und Krankenhäusern oder um Menschen zu helfen, die nach einem Wirbelsturm ihre Lebensgrundlage verloren haben. Ein internationaler Fonds zur Bewältigung der Verluste und Schäden, die durch den Klimawandel verursacht sind, ist ein erster Schritt in Richtung Klimagerechtigkeit.



Mi az éghajlati igazságosság és miért fontos?

A klímaválság mindannyiunkat érint, de nem egyenlően. Kánikulák, pusztító időjárás, tengerszint-emelkedés és történelmi éhínség által. A klímaválság azokat érinti a legjobban, akik a legkevésbé felelősek a problémáért és legkevésbé vannak ellátva, az elnyomás és diszkrimináció miatt, ahhoz, hogy megvédjék magukat a behatásoktól. Ez az éghajlati igazságtalanság.

A klímaválsággal sújtott frontvonalban lévő közösségeknek pénzre és támogatásra van szükségük. Például otthonok és kórházak újraépítésére vagy olyan emberek kompenzálására, akik elvesztették megélhetésüket egy ciklon után. Az első lépés a klíma egyenlőség felé egy elkülönített, nemzetközi alap lenne a frontvonalban lévő közösségek számára, hogy megbirkózzanak az éghajlatváltozás legrosszabb behatásai miatt keletkezett veszteségekkel és károkkal.



What is climate justice and why does it matter?

The climate crisis is affecting all of us, but not equally. Through heatwaves, destructive weather, rising seas, and historic famines. The climate crisis is hitting hardest the people who are least responsible for the problem, and least resourced to protect themselves from the impacts due to oppression and discrimination. This is climate injustice.

Frontline communities hit by the climate crisis need money and support. For instance to rebuild homes and hospitals or to compensate people for losing their livelihoods after a cyclone. A dedicated, international fund for frontline communities to cope with the loss and damage due to the worst impacts of climate change is a first step towards climate justice.

Climate injustice

Climate justice