Über uns

Our why

Climate change has no borders and affects us all. It especially hurts those in poorer countries, because unequal global systems mean life is already hard. Extreme weather, drought and rising seas are now forcing people out of their livelihoods and their homes.

With fewer resources to rely on, surviving and recovering from these disasters is more difficult. Women and girls are hit hardest because social, political and cultural systems silence their voices, and limit their access to the resources and opportunities needed to withstand and adapt to climate change.

Climate change is all around us but it’s impact is unequal. And those most affected by it, have done the least to cause it.

Cop round up
WECF Climate Justice Needs Young Feminists
WECF Climate Justice Needs Young Feminists
WECF Climate Justice Needs Young Feminists
Activist meets Rutte

Our how

Young people inspired by hope, tools and knowledge take action against the unequal systems driving climate change and injustice, in their own communities and together with other changemakers across Europe. Even small actions count up to something big in the fight against the unequal systems driving climate change and injustice.

Our call on action

It just takes a spark – post an idea, share a conversation, kick-start a debate, find a community, plant garden, make a sustainable choice, sign a petition, cast a vote, join a march. Demand real system change now for a fair and sustainable future for all people and our planet. Every one of us can play a part in fighting climate change and injustice.

We can all spark a change, starting today.

Action Earth day
Earth day actions

Spark consortium and partners

SPARK is delivered by a diverse consortium consisting out of 20 organizations in 13 European countries, working together to spark climate justice. We do this by raising awareness, building capacity and facilitating EU citizens, particularly youth, to build and mobilize public support for ambitious gender just climate change and development policies in line with Agenda 2030.

As women and girls are disproportionately affected by climate change and often excluded from climate change adaptation strategies as a result of inequities, SPARK aims to be gender transformative, and has a strong gender justice strategy at its core.

SPARK is created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union, through the EC-DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising).



11.11.11 is the coalition of NGOs, unions, movements and various solidarity groups in Flanders (Dutch speaking Northern part of Belgium). It combines the efforts of about 60 organizations and more than 20,000 volunteers, who work together to achieve one common goal: a fair world without poverty.


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Italian Climate Network was founded with the objective of enforcing the fight against climate change in Italy through consolidated science subjects dissemination, promotion of climate change issue awareness in society, and monitoring and orientation of political choices regarding climate change in Italy.



ZERO – Association for the Sustainability of the Earth System is a Portuguese environmental non-governmental organization that was founded in 2015. ZERO emissions, ZERO waste, ZERO loss of biodiversity, there are several goals that ZERO stands out. At the national level, ZERO is particularly active in the area of sustainability, with an emphasis on energy and climate, with a wide group of connections and projects at the European level, and as members of several federations/networks.


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Oxfam Germany

Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Across regions, from the local to the global, we work with people to bring change that lasts.
Our work is grounded in the commitment to the universality of human rights. Driven by diversity and founding our asks in evidence and experience, we take sides against poverty and injustice everywhere. Feminist approaches guide all our analysis, action and interaction.


Za Zemiata

Za Zemiata /ЗА ЗЕМЯТА is an organization uniting the efforts of people determined to work for the creation of environmentally friendly and equal life on our planet, which excludes the exploitation of people and nature.



ART has been the Romanian national HUB of the Transition Network since 2013, an organization meant to inspire, encourage, connect, and train communities, as they see fit, and implement transition initiatives in response to current global challenges


Logo Oxfam Novib

Oxfam Novib

Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Across regions, from the local to the global, we work with people to bring change that lasts.
Our work is grounded in the commitment to the universality of human rights. Driven by diversity and founding our asks in evidence and experience, we take sides against poverty and injustice everywhere. Feminist approaches guide all our analysis, action and interaction.


NSC-FoE Hungary

The mission of the National Society of Conservationists (NSC), comprising of over 100 hungarian member groups, is the comprehensive protection of nature, as well as the promotion of sustainable development. We are radical in our principles: we wish to draw decision makers’ and citizens’ attention to the drivers of environmental problems, by organizing campaigns, professional events, in depth studies and publications, and targeted lobbying.

Czech Republic


Centre for Transport and Energy is an organization that focuses on the environmental impacts of transportation and energy production, especially those on the Earth’s climate. We see our goal in building and reinforcing a wide platform of groups and individuals who are interested in working towards sustainable transport and energy future.


Logo Oxfam France

Oxfam France

Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Across regions, from the local to the global, we work with people to bring change that lasts.
Our work is grounded in the commitment to the universality of human rights. Driven by diversity and founding our asks in evidence and experience, we take sides against poverty and injustice everywhere. Feminist approaches guide all our analysis, action and interaction.


Logo Oxfam International

Oxfam International

Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Across regions, from the local to the global, we work with people to bring change that lasts.
Our work is grounded in the commitment to the universality of human rights. Driven by diversity and founding our asks in evidence and experience, we take sides against poverty and injustice everywhere. Feminist approaches guide all our analysis, action and interaction.


Logo Oxfam Brussel

Oxfam Belgium

Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Across regions, from the local to the global, we work with people to bring change that lasts.
Our work is grounded in the commitment to the universality of human rights. Driven by diversity and founding our asks in evidence and experience, we take sides against poverty and injustice everywhere. Feminist approaches guide all our analysis, action and interaction.



CliMates is an international laboratory of ideas and actions, bringing together volunteers, students and young professionals around climate issues. The objective of our Non Governmental Organization is to meet the challenge of climate change.



ECOLISE, the European network for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability, is a coalition of member organizations engaged in promoting and supporting local communities across Europe in their efforts to build pathways to a sustainable future.

ECOLISE launched the Communities for Future intiative to encourage and support citizens to take action in their communities to address the climate and environmental emergencies.


Climate Outreach

Climate Outreach is a team of social scientists and communication specialists passionate about widening and deepening public engagement with climate change. Through our research, practical guides and consultancy services, our charity helps organizations engage diverse audiences beyond the usual suspects. We focus on building and sustaining cross-societal support for climate action, overcoming political polarisation, and turning concern into action. We have nearly two decades of experience working with a range of international partners including government, international bodies, media and charities.


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Oxfam GB

Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Across regions, from the local to the global, we work with people to bring change that lasts.
Our work is grounded in the commitment to the universality of human rights. Driven by diversity and founding our asks in evidence and experience, we take sides against poverty and injustice everywhere. Feminist approaches guide all our analysis, action and interaction.


Logo Oxfam Intermon

Oxfam Intermón

Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Across regions, from the local to the global, we work with people to bring change that lasts.
Our work is grounded in the commitment to the universality of human rights. Driven by diversity and founding our asks in evidence and experience, we take sides against poverty and injustice everywhere. Feminist approaches guide all our analysis, action and interaction.


CAN Europe

Climate Action Network Europe is Europe’s leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change. With over 185 member organizations active in 38 European countries, representing over 1.700 NGOs and more than 40 million citizens, CAN Europe promotes sustainable climate, energy and development policies throughout Europe.


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Green Liberty

Green Liberty (Zaļā brīvība in Latvian) is an organization with the mission to contribute to the development of a society where people live in harmony with each other and the environment. Aiming at raising awareness about social and environmental implications of current trends in consumerism, trade and globalization, empowering people to make meaningful decisions connected with their lives directly and indirectly and opposing abuses of power. 


WECF International

Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) is a network dedicated to a gender just and healthy planet for all. Our international network consists of over 150 women’s and civil society organizations implementing projects in 50 countries. We believe that a sustainable future and environment needs holistic solutions reflecting the lives of people on the ground.


Do you have a questions? Send us a message!

Contact – EN

Was ist klima­gerechtig­keit und warum ist sie wichtig?

Die Klimakrise betrifft uns alle, aber nicht gleichermaßen. Durch Hitzewellen, zerstörerisches Wetter, steigenden Meeresspiegel und historische Hungersnöte trifft die Klimakrise die Menschen am härtesten, die am wenigsten für das Problem verantwortlich sind und aufgrund von Unterdrückung und Diskriminierung am wenigsten Mittel haben, um sich vor den Auswirkungen zu schützen. Das ist nicht gerecht.

Die von der Klimakrise betroffenen Bevölkerungsgruppen brauchen Geld und Unterstützung. Zum Beispiel für den Wiederaufbau von Häusern und Krankenhäusern oder um Menschen zu helfen, die nach einem Wirbelsturm ihre Lebensgrundlage verloren haben. Ein internationaler Fonds zur Bewältigung der Verluste und Schäden, die durch den Klimawandel verursacht sind, ist ein erster Schritt in Richtung Klimagerechtigkeit.



Mi az éghajlati igazságosság és miért fontos?

A klímaválság mindannyiunkat érint, de nem egyenlően. Kánikulák, pusztító időjárás, tengerszint-emelkedés és történelmi éhínség által. A klímaválság azokat érinti a legjobban, akik a legkevésbé felelősek a problémáért és legkevésbé vannak ellátva, az elnyomás és diszkrimináció miatt, ahhoz, hogy megvédjék magukat a behatásoktól. Ez az éghajlati igazságtalanság.

A klímaválsággal sújtott frontvonalban lévő közösségeknek pénzre és támogatásra van szükségük. Például otthonok és kórházak újraépítésére vagy olyan emberek kompenzálására, akik elvesztették megélhetésüket egy ciklon után. Az első lépés a klíma egyenlőség felé egy elkülönített, nemzetközi alap lenne a frontvonalban lévő közösségek számára, hogy megbirkózzanak az éghajlatváltozás legrosszabb behatásai miatt keletkezett veszteségekkel és károkkal.



What is climate justice and why does it matter?

The climate crisis is affecting all of us, but not equally. Through heatwaves, destructive weather, rising seas, and historic famines. The climate crisis is hitting hardest the people who are least responsible for the problem, and least resourced to protect themselves from the impacts due to oppression and discrimination. This is climate injustice.

Frontline communities hit by the climate crisis need money and support. For instance to rebuild homes and hospitals or to compensate people for losing their livelihoods after a cyclone. A dedicated, international fund for frontline communities to cope with the loss and damage due to the worst impacts of climate change is a first step towards climate justice.

Climate injustice

Climate justice